Here you can find route planner for car, as well as timetables for car ferries and fast ferries.
Email: havstuer@gmail.com
Mobile: +47 901 00 736
47 955 59 370
Route Planner for car
If you come with your own car, you can use a route planners customers to find the shortest and easiest way.
Oslo – Smøla (mangler link)
Bergen – Smøla (mangler link)
Trondheim – Smøla (mangler link)
Car ferry
Coming via Kristiansund there are two ferries, Seivika – Tømmervåg and Sandvika – Edøy. From Trondheim, only Sandvika – Edøy. Time tables are available at www.fjord1.no
Without a car
For without the car it will be easiest to take flight or bus to Kristiansund and fast from there to Edøy on Smøla. From Edøy to Råket can take a bus or we arrange pickup. Alternatively, you can take flight or train to Trondheim and fast from there to Edøy.
Fast ferry
See timetables fast ferry on www.atb.no find route 800.
Call or email if there are any questions with regard to itinerary.